The pre AGM minutes are here in PDF form.
27th March 2013, 19:00 at The Station House, Marazion
Welcome and thanks for coming from Lee (Pasty) Harvey, KKC Chairman.
Apologies from a few that couldn’t make it including Denzil.
Area Rep Updates:
Carlyn Bay parking has changed.
– information to be sent through, to update the Website re this.
Generally all areas, beaches are working well with no problems.
The latest we have heard from Phill Drew at the RNLI is that there have been very limited kitesurfing related incidents. It seems that there were only 2 that required a rescue or any other active intervention. In both everybody was OK and the RNLI had no complaints.
General Club Update
Clubs from elsewhere (Bristol, Poole etc.) in the UK have made contact with the KKC when visiting the area to get the local info and hook up with locals re where to go for what conditions, socialising after kitesurfing etc.
Bluff update:
– new signage has gone up, that should be good for a few years.
– £625 gross revenue from passes, £500 fee to the harbor master + printing of the passes etc. fees, so it’s roughly self funding. (the signs were in part paid for by the BKSA). But it means anybody who is kitesurfing there without a pass is being subsidised by those that pay for their pass.
Accounts Update:
Last year closing balance about £1,600.
Current balance is around £2,400.
So there are funds if anybody has an idea for an event or some such.
Any ideas should include what the people making the suggestion are going to do, to help create and run the event.
These ideas should be put to the club officers.
Club Admin and Officers:
Updated constitution proposed (as below) with unanimous vote of YES
The committee of the club shall be members of the club and will consist of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer. One of these should be nominated as a beach safety officer and one a child safety officer. All kite surfing members of the club shall be eligible for re-election.
The Committee shall manage the affairs of the club and shall cause the funds of the club to be applied solely to the objects of the club.
The committee can appoint a sub-committee or temporary officer to assist with organising events or carrying out specific tasks. Beach reps should be encouraged to organise events/socials in their area with help from the committee.
Proposed chairperson, secretary and treasurer to stay the same, unanimous YES.
– Chairperson: Lee “pasty” Harvey,
– Treasurer: Lawrence Smith
– Club Secretary: Rory Jenkins
Some new beach reps were proposed and accepted.
– details to be put on the Website.
There was then extensive discussion about events, insurance for events and a general catch up with outline plans for the next year.